Tuesday, August 26, 2008

#580 - Tiring Tuesday


Well, today has really been tiring. My lecture started at 7 AM and finished at 5 PM, dang it. My first lecture was Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language). On the first meeting this morning, there was a quiz! Dang!! Lucky I wasn't absent this morning, LOL. Well, the score wasn't used, but still twas surprising, haha. Well, the subject was just like one we got on high-school, haha...

Then, at 10 AM I got my second class which was Aesthetics. We gotta watch a movie with no dialog and no for 1.5 hours and gotta define what Aesthetics is based on that. Wtf. I was tired and sleepy and caused I got a bit bored (eventho I still managed to watch the movie and did the assignment, haha... :D).

Anyway, the 23 credits problem is still remained unsolved, dang. Now, it even gets more complicated and this thing kinda frustrates me right now, grrr... . Even so, I still have a hope that I can get it my way (hopefully, haha...)


Hmmm, hari ini benar2 melelahkan sekali deh. Kuliah ku tadi dimulai jam 7 pagi dan baru selesai jam 5 sore, sial. Kuliah pertamaku adalah Bahasa Indonesia. Masa di pertemuan pertama pagi tadi udah ada kuis seh! Sial!! Untung kaga bolos tadi, LOL. Hmm, walau nilainya memang gak dimasukkan tapi kan tetap aja mengagetkan, haha. Mata Kuliahnya ya gitu deh, seperti di SMA, haha...

Trus jam 10 pagi tadi aku ada kuliah Estetika. Masa kita harus nonton sebuah film tanpa dialog dan tanpa jalan cerita (bujug dah) selama 1,5 jam dan kita harus mendefinisikan apa itu Estetika berdasarkan film. Wtf. Aku capek bgt tadi dan rada ngantuk makanya jelas merasa bosan (walau aku masih bisa tetap nonton film-nya dan mengerjakan tugas, haha... :D).

Ngomong2, masalah 23 sks-nya masih belum beres nih, siyal. Malah, sekarang jadi bertambah rumit deh dan jadi agak membuat frustasi juga, grrr... . Walau begitu aku masih berharap semoga bisa dapat apa yang aku mau (moga2 beneran, haha...)

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