A lot of things were going on this day, haha... :) I got up at 6.43 AM and my first and only lecture of Monday was at 7 AM. We had a plan to have the first "Kompetisi Matematika 2008" (2008 Math Competition) meeting at 10 this morning. Okay, so after class I went to the office and tried to book a classroom for the meeting. While I was working on it, my friend called me to come over to my other friend's boarding house because she was so terribly sick. She couldn't move (it hurt while she was trying to move). What?? OMG, so I went to her boarding house and yea, she was sick. Okay, after about 15 minutes there, finally we could bring her to my car and went to Borromeus Hospital at Dago. Once there, my friend brought her to the ICU (just to get a quick treatment) and I parked my car. Apparently, it was not so time-consuming, haha (I thought we would be there like hours). At 10.10 AM we could leave the hospital (after the doctor gave her a check and prescription).
Then, I could make it to the meeting (30 minutes before I informed my friend that I wouldn't make it, haha, but since it was quick, I still could make it eventho I was late). Haha, after the meeting, I finally could have brunch, I was like starving at that time.
On afternoon, I booked Merpati's tickets, and since the time limit was 4 PM this afternoon, so I went to Merpati right from campus. Haha, finally I got my tickets. I'm going back to Bandung for FRS on 9th January 2008, then I'm going back to Yogyakarta to continue my holiday for a week at 12th January 2008 (I'm gonna spend 2 days in Bandung, 1 day for college thingy, and 1 day for my car yearly-maintenance, hehe... :D). I hope it's enough...
Btw, this evening I watched the fifth episode of TAR 12. All teams traveled from Burkina Faso to Lithuania. Kynt & Vyxsin had a good lead after the Road-Block, but since they changed Detour, it made TK & Rachel had the chance to pass them. And therefore they were 2nd. Shana & Jennifer and Nathan & Jennifer had arguments within their teams, haha... ;) The U-Turn caused the tense between Shana & Jennifer apparently. In the end, Shana & Jennifer were eliminated.
Banyak hal yang terjadi di hari ini, haha... :) Aku bangun jam 6.43 pagi soale kulaihku satu2nya dan pertama di hari ini adalah jam 7 pagi. Kita ada rencana untuk mengadakan rapat "Kompetisi Matematika 2008" jam 10 pagi ini sih. Oke deh, habis kuliah aku pergi ke kantornya dan mencoba untuk pesen ruangan untuk rapatnya. Nah, waktu aku lagi mengusahakannya, temenku telpon buat dateng ke kosnya temenku yg lainnya, soalnya dia bener-bener sakit parah tuh. Dia nggak bisa gerak (kalo gerak katanya sakit gitu). Apa?? OMG, jadi ya uda aku segera pergi ke kosnya dan beneran, lagi sakit parah bgt gitu. Oke, habis 15 menit disana gitu akhirnya kita bisa menggotong dia ke mobilku dan pergi ke Rumah Sakit Borromeus di Dago. Disana, temenku bawa dia ke UGD (biar cepet ditangani sih) dan aku parkir mobilku. Eh, ternyata disananya nggak lama-lama amat, haha (aku pikir bakal beberapa jam tuh disana). Jam 10.10 pagi kita bisa balik dari Rumah Sakitnya (habis dokternya ngecek dia dan ngasi resep obat).
Lalu, aku bisa dateng tuh ke rapatnya (30 menit sebelumnya aku ngasi tau temenku kalo aku gabisa dateng tuh, haha, tapi karena di RSnya cepet jadi bisa deh dateng walaupun telat). Haha, habis rapat, akhirnya saya bisa makan pagi tuh, saya LAPER banget spanjang hari tadi.
Siangnya, aku pesen tiket Merpati dan karena time-limitnya jam 4 sore tadi, ya udah aku langsung aja ke Merpati habis dari kampus. Haha, akhirnya aku dapet tiketku nih. Aku akan balik Bandung untuk FRS tanggal 9 Januari 2008, trus aku balik lagi ke Yogyakarta untuk melanjutkan liburan selama seminggu tanggal 12 Januari 2008 (aku akan di Bandung 2 hari tuh, sehari buat ngurus segala keperluan kampus, trus sehari buat ngurus perawatan-tahunan mobilku, hehe... :D). Moga2 cukup la waktunya...
Btw, malem tadi aku nonton episode kelima dari TAR 12. Semua tim pergi dari Burkina Faso ke Lithuania. Kynt & Vyxsin sebenernya lumayan memimpin tuh setelah Road-Block, sayang aja mereka mesti tukar tugas di Detour, jadinya kan TK & Rachel jadi bisa nyalip mereka. Akhirnya mereka tim nomer 2 deh. Btw, Shana & Jennifer dan Nathan & Jennifer bentrok dikit tuh dalam tim, haha... ;) U-Turn ternyata memberikan ketegangan di antara Shana & Jennifer. Akhirnya, Shana & Jennifer tereliminasi.
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