Yesterday afternoon I accompanied my father to go to Callista to take some prints of back-lite pictures for Kassaya Galeria since the current back-lite pictures have been looked not so good because of "aging", ha3... :) Well, we asked the guy to copy the files to a blank CD so next time when we need it we won't have to be busy in editing or something else. Because we didn't bring any CD (forgotten) so we gotta buy the CD first. If we bought there, we gotta pay Rp 20,000.oo for the CD (it's free if we brought our own CD). What!?!?!? That was insane!!! We could buy blank CD for around Rp 2,000.oo outside. Okay, so we went to Toga Mas Bookstore (the nearest place which sold blank CD) and bought a blank CD for just Rp 1,800.oo. Ha3... :) I dunno but dor me the management was a bit 'crazy', lol... .
Then we had lunch at Arek-Arek Restaurant. Easy to guess from its name, yea, it'a a Surabayanese Restaurant. Well, the last time I ate there was 5.5 years ago, 2 days before my father got a heart attack and gottabe brought to the hospital (the meal was probably the 'trigger' of the attack).
Later that day, I watched the eight episode of The Apprentice 5. I'll post my review later, along with my review of the TV-Series Heroes which ended this week on Star World. Btw, I also watched How I Met Your Mother, a sitcom, on Star World. It was sooo funny!! Ha3.... :) It has become one of my fave sitcoms...
Today evening I went to Malioboro Mall, just as usual. But before that, I had dinner first at Tojoyo Restaurant (Fried-Chicken). I also took a closer shot of the fried-chickens because the pic I took this time wasn't clear enough, ha3... :) Tojoyo was full of people. The service which usually was fast, less than 10 mins, took so long today, over 30 mins. On Malioboro Mall, Tompi was on stage so many youngsters made a crowd on the south atrium of the mall.
Back at home I watched The Result Show of Indonesian Idol where Sarah got voted-off. I also watched some tennis matches on the grand slam Wimbledon, he3... :) Venus Williams beat Ana Ivanovic in 2 sets (6-2 and 6-4) and got one place in the final. Novak Djokovic beat Marcos Baghdatis in tough 5 sets. Surprisingly Marion Bartoli beat Justin Henin in the semi-final!! Btw, Bartoli is a bit interesting, ha3... :) She isn't as well-shaped as other tennis players, but now she made it to the final. She even ate banana right before her match versus Justin Henin started!! lol. For the guys, I bet Roger Federer will win. For the girls, hmmm, I think it's Venus, but Bartoli has surprised us, hmmm...... . It's pretty hard.
Kemarin siang aku nemenin papaku pergi ke Callista untuk ngambil beberapa gambar cetakan untuk back-lite untuk Kassaya Galeria soale gambar yang sekarang dah nggak gitu bagus lagi karena "penuaan", ha3... :) Hmm, kita minta orangnya untuk ngopiin file-nya ke CD kosong jadi lain kalo waktu kita butuh kan ga harus sibuk ngedit ato ngapain gitu. Karena kita ga bawa CD kosong (lupa) makanya kita musti beli CD-nya dulu. Nah, kalo beli disana kita musti bayar Rp 20.000,oo untuk CD-nya (kalo bawa CD sendiri sih gratis ngopinya). Apa!?!?!? Gila apa!!! Kita bisa beli CD kosong sendiri di luar paling harganya sekitar Rp 2.000,oo. Oke deh, jadinya kita mendingan ke Toga Mas dulu (toko terdekat yang jualan CD kosong) dan beli CD kosong seharga Rp 1.800,oo. Ha3... :) Gatau tapi untuk aku manajemennya koq rada 'gila' yah, lol.... .
Trus kita makan siang di Restoran Arek-Arek. Gampang ditebak dah dari namanya, yup, itu adalah Restoran Surabaya. Hmm, trakhir makan disana 5,5 tahun lalu nih, 2 hari sebelum papaku kena serangan jantung dan musti dibawa ke rumah sakit (kayake pemicunya ya makanannya deh).
Trus malemnya aku nonton episode kedelapan dari The Apprentice 5. Aku akan posting review-ku kemudian sekalian sama review saya atas TV-Seri Heroes yang di Star World tamat minggu ini deh. Btw, aku juga nonton sitkom How I Met Your Mother, di Star World. Lucuu banget lohh!! Ha3... :) Sudah menjadi salah satu sitkom favorit saya....
Sore tadi aku pergi ke Malioboro Mall, seperti biasa. tapi sebelum itu, aku makan dulu deh di Restoran Tojoyo (ayam goreng). Aku ngambil gambar yang lebih deket deh tentang ayam gorengnya soale gambar yang aku ambil pada waktu ini ternyata ga gitu jelas, ha3... :) Rame banget Tojoyo-nya. Pelayanan yang biasanya ga nyampe 10 menit tadi menjadi lebih dari 30 menit!! Di Malioboro Mall ada Tompi lagi manggung makane banyak anak muda yang bikin kerumunan di atrium selatan mall-nya.
Di rumah aku notnon Result Show dari Indonesian Idol dimana Sarah tersisih. Aku juga nonton beberapa pertandingan grand-slam tenis, Wimbledon, he3... :) Venus Williams ngalahin Ana Ivanovic dalam 2 set (6-2 dan 6-4) dan dapet tempat di final. Novak Djokovic ngalahin Marcos Baghdatis melalui 5 set yang keras. Secara mengejutkan, Marion Bartoli ngalahin Justin Henin di semi-final!! Btw, Bartoli menarik tuh, ha3... :) Badannya nggak sebagus pemain tenis lainnya, tapi sekarang dia masuk final. Dia bahkan makan pisang dulu tepat sebelum game-nya lawan Justin Henin dimulai!! Untuk yang laki-laki, aku nebak Roger Federer deh yang menang. Kalo perempuan, hmmmm, mungkin Venus sih, tapi Bartoli udah bener-bener bikin kejutan, hmmm...... . Susah juga.
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