Saturday, October 29, 2005

Finally it's Saturday

>> Sorry for not updating this blog for a few days...


Finally it's Saturday!! The last day of my schooldays, because starting tomorrow, i will have holiday for 10 days and that's very very exciting... :D.

These last 3 days were very exhausting for me because i had 3 exams in row and all of them were not easy. On Thursday I had chemistry exam about redox (which i didn't even understand because the teacher couldn't explain to us well (my friends also feel this, so I think the teacher is really not able to teach us)). However, I studied for this matery by myself and I think I could do about 85%. Then on Friday I had a history exam (we had to memorize 50 pages!!! That's crazy), then on Saturday I had PPKn exam (we had to memorize about 45 pages!!! That's another crazy exam). However, I think I could do all of them :D

However, I always love Friday. Yesterday, i could get relax for 3 hours. I went with my friends in the afternoon (we played bowling), but it was not my day, i didn't play well yesterday. Then we had dinner at Paparonz Pizza at 17.00 PM. We chose the "All You can Eat" program, so we just needed to pay Rp. 12.000,oo per person for the pizza (but we still had to spend more money for the drinks). We spent Rp. 34.000,oo for the drinks. Then my friend dared me to debate with him (actually it started with usual conversation, then i don't know why, he asked me to 'debate' --> well, I think that's his 'bad' habit) . Before I accepted, I challenged him first: if I won the debate, he would pay the drinks and vice versa (so I didn't have to spend more money for the drinks if I won) and he agreed. So we debated for a while and fortunately I won (so I could save about Rp. 11.000,oo).


Akhirnya ini Sabtu!! Hari terakhir dari hari-hari sekolah, soale mulai besok, aku bakalan libur selama 10 hari dan itu sangat2 menyenangkan ... :D

Tiga hari terakhir ini tuh bener2 hari yang bikin capek, soalnya aku ada 3 ulangan berturutan dan ketiganya nggak gampang. Di hari Kamis aku ada ulangan kimia tentang redoks (yang aku nggak ngerti soale guruku nggak bisa nerangke dengan baik (temen2ku juga ngerasa hal yang sama, jadi aku rasa memang gurunya yang nggak bisa ngajar)). Tapi, aku belajar sendiri bahan ini trus kayake sih aku bisa ngerjain sekitar 85%. Trus di hari Jumat aku ada ulangan sejarah (mesti ngapalin 50 halaman!!! Gila banget), trus Sabtunya ada ulangan PPKn (ngapalin 45 halaman!! Ulangan gila yang lain). Tapi, kayaknya aku bisa ngerjain koq... :D

Hmm...., aku selalu seneng Jumat. Kemarin, aku bisa santai selama sekitar 3 jam. Aku pergi ma temen2ku siangnya (main bowling), tapi kemarin bukan hariku, aku nggak main bagus kemarin. Trus kami makan di Paparonz Pizza sekitar jam 17.00 sore. Kami milih "All You can Eat" program, jadi kami cuma mesti mbayar Rp. 12.000,oo untuk pizzanya (tapi kami tetep mesti mbayar ndiri minumnya). Kami habis Rp. 34.000,oo untuk minumannya. Trus nggak tau napa tau2 temenku 'nantang' untuk debat (sebenernya sih mulai dengan pembicaraan biasa, tapi ndak tau napa tau2 dia nantang untuk debat --> kayaknya sih kebiasaan buruk dia). Sebelum aku menyetujui, aku nantang dia dulu: kalo aku menang, minumannya yang bayar dia dan sebaliknya (jadi kalo aku menang aku nggak perlu keluar uang lagi) dan dia setuju. Ya udah, kami debat bentar trus aku menang (lumayan, bisa ngirit sekitar Rp. 11.000,oo)


  1. hahaha... zilko zilko...
    emang klo masalah debat dah jago d... debat membawa kberuntungan... hahaha... =P

  2. haha.. sama.. gw juga suka banget ama hari jumat... hari jumat kan hari terakhir sekolah.. hauhau...

    met liburan yach!! ^^

    nice nwe pic! :D
