Monday, July 18, 2005

My First Day At School


I got up very early this morning (at 5.45 AM) like what i used to do before the holiday (at Holiday, i was totally lazy ). Then i had breakfast, took a bath, and prepared my bag. I arrived at school at 6.30 AM and i looked for my new class. Then i found that i am in III IPA - 1. I get some new classmates. Then we went to the hall and the vice-headmaster told us some new rules. On Monday till Thursday we are at school until 13.35 PM (Nooo.... ), but on Friday only till 12, and on Saturday until 11 AM (that's pretty fair ). Then we were at school only till 10.30 AM then i went to The Netz. At noon i went home and took nap. At 4 PM i had an exercise and then at night i watched tv and played computer games.


Aku bangun pagi banget hari ini (jam 5.45 pagi) kayak yang biasa aku lakukan sebelum liburan (pas liburan aku bener-bener males ). Habis itu aku sarapan, mandi, sama nyiapin tas. Aku sampe sekolah jam setengah tujuh pagi trus aku nyari kelas baruku. Ternyata aku ada di kelas III IPA - 1. Aku dapet beberapa temen sekelas yang baru. Trus kami musti pergi ke aula dan wakil kepla sekolahnya ngasih beberapa peraturan baru. Ternyata dari Senin sampe Kamis kami di sekolah sampe jam 13.35 siang (Tidaaaak.... ), tapi Hari Jumat cuma sampe jam 12 siang, Sabtu cuma sampe jam 11 pagi (lumayan adil lah ) . Trus jam 10.30 kami pulang trus aku pergi ke warnet. Di jam 12 aku pulang rumah trus istirahat siang. Jam 4 aku pergi olahraga trus malamnya aku nonton tv sama main game komputer.

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